Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sprinkler Saturday

It was hotter than blue blazes this weekend - mid 90s and humid for most of the weekend. The heat didn't stop Andrew though. He was ready to get outside on Saturday moring. So at 9:30 we threw on swimming suits and got the sprinkler out to help us beat the heat. Yes, it was hot enought for the sprinkler that early.
Grandma Barb even took a few turns getting wet.

And she was wearing her clothes!


Courtney and the Boys said...

Cute! We have the same wet tops for our boys. And it was indeed hotter than Billy Blue Blazes this weekend. Wow.

Alan, Kimberly, Landon, Tate, and Bentley said...

Fun! It looks like you have a great yard for outdoor fun : )