Friday, June 26, 2009

Museum of Transportation (Stay-Cation Part 1)

During the first week in June, we had a family stay-cation. We took the week off of work and just stayed home. We didn't pack up the bags or the car. Instead we just relaxed, spent time together, and played the part of tourists in our own town. Our first stop was the Museum of Trasportation, a place that I thought was going to be fairly boring. I was wrong. They had probably close to 40 full size train cars that you could walk around and climb into. They also had a nice air-conditioned (it was hot that day) museum with old cars and a Route 66 history. Andrew has just been into cars and just recently gotten into trains so he absolutely loved it.



If it was blue, this one would totally be "The Little Engine That Could". It's the oldest engined they have - a wood burning locomotive from 1858.

This may have been Andrew's favorite part. I think he and Susie rode this train about five times.

With the engineer in between rides waiting for the next riders to be shuttled to the train.

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