Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dumpster Diving

Near the end of the walk a couple weeks ago, we spotted something in the alley sitting up next to the dumpster. It was a Little Tykes workbench that was in great condition except for a little dust, dirt, and cobwebs. It even had the plastic screws and nails. I think it must have come out of someone's garage or basement. Andrew immediately started reaching out of the stroller to get to it. After playing with it for a few minutes, we asked him if he wanted us to take it home. He giggled with excitement. So I picked it up and carried it on my shoulders for about 2 blocks to our house. A quick hose down once we got back in the yard, and it was ready to go.




Amber Dupree said...

Lucky! What a great find for Andrew.

Alan, Kimberly, Landon, Tate, and Bentley said...

Ditto Amber's comment!!!

Courtney and the Boys said...

Oh my word! I can't believe someone was throwing that out! Serendipity!