Wednesday, May 6, 2009


The three of us went out to eat at O'Charley's this last weekend. O'Charley's is great for a couple of reasons. 1) Kids eat free 2) You get tons of warm, delicious rolls. (There might be more reasons than that, but that's all that's needed for the purposes of this story.

The rolls were the favorite for Andrew. He ate quite a few, and it led to a really funny moment. Somewhere between finishing off roll #3 and starting roll #4, Andrew looked at us and said:


"Tight? What's tight?" (Check highchair strap) "Nope. That's not it." (Check pants) "Oh, are your pants too tight? Hold on a second." (Adjust waistband on baby's pants)

Who would have thought that our almost two-year old would need a pair of "Eating Pants"? Next time we go out to eat, we'll pack the sweatpants.

1 comment:

Amber Dupree said...

A child wise beyond his years!!