Friday, May 15, 2009

Honk If Your Nosy

Lately Andrew has really been into his body parts.  Whether it's singing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes  or reading one of his favorite books (I Love You Through and Through - great book!), he enjoys pointing to and trying to name all of his parts.  And our parts too.  Andrew points to his teeth.  Then he points to daddy's teeth.  Then his eyebrow.  And then mommy's eyebrow.  You know how it goes.  One of the more amusing things is when he reaches out to touch my nose.  Whenever he does, I give him a good loud "Honk!".  And then he reaches out to touch Susie's nose, and she gives him a nice "Beep, beep!"  Finally, Andrew gives his nose a little squeeze, and we get this real quiet "Uh".  Or something close to that.  (I'm not sure how he spells it.)  It's barely audible most of the time because he tries to make the noise through his actual nose rather than using his mouth.  It's always fun though because it ends with a big smile on his face.  And then we do it all over again. 

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