Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bathtime Drama

Andrew enjoys his baths as long as they have nothing to do with actual washing. He likes playing with toys, playing with the faucet, and just hanging out getting wrinkly. When it comes to the washing, he gets really upset. He stands up, starts crying, and tries to climb up and out of the tub. The real trouble is that he's tall enough now that he can pretty much almost do it by himself. If he doesn't make it out on his own, he cinches his arms around my neck, puts his feet up on my chest, and pulls himself up and out using me as a ladder. Washing his hair is especially bad. He just does not like water touching his head. I thought this was just a bath time thing, I confirmed his "wet head dread" during swimming class a couple of weeks ago when the side of his head accidentally touched the water. Maybe he doesn't like getting his hair messed up? No, he's too happy in this picture to be worried about his hair.

These pics were just minutes after Andrew got upset with me washing him up. I think I'm pretending to be a dog to get him to laugh and smile so big in these. That's right...I have no shame.

What can I say? He likes bath toys. It looks like he's recreating the trash compactor scene from "Star Wars". This isn't even all the bath toys we own. There is a second tub in the closet. Anyway, I figure that he's got to get used being washed eventually. Right? We aren't quite there yet so I'm just going to keep trying, and we will eventually work through the drama.

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