Thursday, May 28, 2009

Birthday Fun

The three of us went out last night to celebrate Andrew's birthday. We started at Monkey Joe's, which is a giant indoor playground. Kids get to bounce, climb, crawl, slide and run around on all of these giant inflatable bounce houses, obstacle courses, and slides. Andrew tends to be a little cautious in new situations, and that held true when we first got to Monkey Joe's. However, it wasn't long until he got comfortable and started running all round. Unfortunately, adults aren't allowed to "bounce" or "play". Otherwise, Susie and I would have been all over those things.

Andrew loved this train. In fact, he probably spent four dollars riding it. By the end of the night, he was very good at dropping the quarters in the slot.

Being on his own with the inflatables turned out to be a very positive experience for Andrew. It was so much fun to watch him build confidence and independence as the night went on.

Here we are getting ready to enjoy a birthday sundae at Happy Joe's Pizza Parlor. One of the employees came out to announce Andrew's birthday to the whole restaurant and lead everyone in singing "Happy Birthday".

Andrew looks just a tad concerned about getting closer to blow out that candle.

Andrew's favorite present was this Cars track. The tractor tipping scene is his favorite part of that movie. He laughs every time.

He liked this so much that he stopped halfway through opening his presents and played with this for the rest of the night. Watch out for Frank!


Aunti Jillian said...

You are so cute my sweet little Andrew. I love you so much and wish I was there to give you two big birthday kisses. You look like you are sporting a nice tan. You look like a Malibu baby. XOXOXOXO
Auntie Jill

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Andrew!!! I love you!
Aunt Janette