Friday, April 17, 2009

One Little Miracle

A friend of mine in South Carolina recently welcomed her baby daughter into the world - Abigail Louise H. And this little baby is truly a miracle. You see Abby Lou was born on April 1 at what was almost exactly 24 weeks into the pregnancy. She weighed just 1 lb. 5 oz. when she was born. She is in the NICU and on a ventilator to help her breathe. But she is gaining weight, has shown improvement in her lungs this week, and is already starting to be weaned of the ventilator. All things considered, she is doing relatively well but has some way to go. The biggest concerns at the moment are her breathing and the fear of infection. My friend has started a blog through the hospital to keep family and friends updated on Abby's progress. I might share that site down the road, but not just yet. My request for now is simply that you keep little Abby, her parents, and her doctors in your thoughts and prayers.


Courtney and the Boys said...

Wow...of course I'll pray, Brian. I have a good feeling about this...April 1st (contrary to popular belief) is a GREAT day to be born! :)

Brian said...

Thanks, Courtney. I knew you'd be on board because of the birthday connection.