Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This Post is for Grandma Barb

It's been a long time since I've made a post. I have several ones in the works (okay, they are in my head anyway), but I just haven't had the chance with all of the business of daily life and travelling for work. And then a funny thing happened on the way to work today. I was talking with my Mom, and I made a comment that I had some pictures and things I wanted to post from the last few weeks. She said that she checks this blog on a regular basis, and she knew that I hadn't made a post since March 26. Whoa! She knew the date of my latest post. And off the top of her head too! So I'm dedicating this post of lunchtime pictures taken on Saturday to my mom / Grandma Barb. Thank you for reading! We love you!

We had Subway for lunch on Saturday. Susie and I had started eating when Andrew ran into the dining room. He pointed at the table and said "cookie". I couldn't tell you the last time we have eaten at Subway, but Andrew definitely remembers the cookies. This kid and his brand recognition is a marketer's dream.
I'd like to say he ate the cookie for dessert. But that's pretty much all he ate for lunch that day. Oh, wait! He did have some Cool Ranch Doritos and a little bit of peanut butter on bread. But he mostly filled up on a chocolate chip cookie.
Do you like see-food? Andrew does too. Here he is saying the word cookie.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, Andrew said cookie? I can't wait to see him.
Gramma Di