Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Flying Spoon

Andrew has always been a good eater. Lately he's been asking for a lot of peanut butter sandwiches (no jelly for him), but he still eats a good amount of fruits and vegetables. But there are still those times when he doesn't want to eat at all. And so you have to help him make it fun. The "Flying Spoon" is a classic trick that we used on Andrew a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure all of you have done some variation of this with your own kids. Well, Andrew liked it so much that he started doing it by himself that night. Talk about a parent's dream, right? Not only is he eating, but he's doing the extra bit to make it fun for himself. What's a parent to do? Uh...grab the camera to shoot a quick video for the blog.

By the way, I'm experimenting by sending these posts to Blogger through email. It's either a new feature, or I just realized how to set up the email address to do it. Either way it's a pretty neat trick!

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