Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Building Blocks

Andrew developed a strong interest in Mega Blocks. For those who don't know, these are the big "lego" type blocks. He really likes building towers. We built several towers over the weekend, and as you can see by their height, he has gotten pretty good at it. And what's just as much fun is watching him dump the whole giant bag of blocks on the floor before getting down to the business of building.

1 comment:

Courtney and the Boys said...

Check out that look of pride on that boy's face...priceless! I can't believe how tall he gets those things! It reminds me of my birthday party at McDonald's when I was a kid and we had to stack Big Mac boxes (they were styrofoam back then) as high as we could. Mine was way taller than me, and of course, I won. :)

How have you been?
