Thursday, January 22, 2009

Random Thoughts About Stuffing

I love Stove Top Stuffing. It has pretty much been my favorite part of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and all other "stuffing" holidays for as long as I can remember. As much as I love it, I've never made it myself. You think I would have made it for myself at some point. This thought crossed my mind as I was in the store last week so I bought a box.

Now how is it exactly that I'm 32 years old and never knew how easy it is to make Stove Top Stuffing? Boil water and butter. Stir in stuffing packet. Remove from heat and cover. Wait five minutes. Done! That's it?!? Tonight we had chicken, green beans, and Stove Top stuffing. (Andrew also had a side dish of Golden Grahams sans milk.) And is it wrong that I thought to myself that I could easily finish off the whole pan? Who needs chicken and green beans? I know that one box (maybe one serving) probably contains more sodium than I'm supposed to consume in two weeks, but I'm just sayin! I wonder if Sam's Club sells Stove Top. Hmmm...

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