Thursday, January 22, 2009

Balls, Books, and Cars

Balls, books, and cars. That pretty much sums up the past week for us. To be exact, that really sums up Andrew's week. And it has been great!

Books: Andrew seems to be really starting to pick up language. He is babbling and chattering all the time. I think that is maybe why he has been so interested in books recently. He has spent a good amount of time pulling out books and bringing them to us to read. I think he pretty much went through every book we have! We used to ask him to point to the dog or show us Elmo. Now we are transitioning and asking him questions like Who is that? and What's that? He is definitely trying to say words. Dog. Cupcake. Cookie. Car. Ball. Bubble. Pizza. Yes. No. There. Now granted we might be the only ones that understand him.

Balls: Andrew has been all about balls lately. It seems like he's always got a ball (or two) in one arm as he's running around the house. He's gotten good at throwing and also pretty good at letting the ball bounce off of his body before he picks it up. That's as close as we are to catching for now. Maybe he'll be good goalie someday. He really enjoyed sitting up in a big chair we have in the living room and playing ball with Grandpa this weekend.

Cars: If he has a ball in one arm, then chances are he has a car in the other. He actually says "car car" as he rolls them back and forth over our floors. Santa brought him a couple of toy cars from the movie Cars. He's got a Lightning McQueen and a Doc Hudson. The other night we were in the kitchen, and Andrew was playing with his Doc Hudson. He said "car car". Susie then said to him "That's a Doc Car." Andrew responded by saying "Doc Car Car". We are still new to all of this talking stuff so it completely floored us.

Here is the aftermath of all of the book reading we did this weekend. It doesn't look too much different today actually.

Here is Andrew's new activity table with cars, trains, and tracks. Right now it's in the middle of our living room. We needed a coffee table. Haha!

The neat thing about the table is the roadway mat lifts right out. Underneath is a white playing surface. They also make inserts for Legos and other blocks.

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