Sunday, December 28, 2008


The day after Christmas this year we all got bundled up and went out to enjoy some of the Chicago snow and ice. This Christmas has really been Andrew's first time to play in the snow. I don't count the little half inch dustings we get in St Louis.

So while Andrew changed into his snow pants and boots, Grandpa Tom went up into the rafters of the garage and pulled down one of the oldest sleds we'd ever seen. It was an old wooden one with the metal rails and the steering bar in the front. It's pretty safe to say they don't make them like this anymore. Andrew had a great time being pulled down the icy sidewalk by Grandpa to the park. Andrew also learned how to throw snowballs and walk on top of the snow without falling. (Most of it was hard and slippery because the top layer had refrozen as ice.) We broke through the top layer so he could get down to the soft snow. Andrew liked tapping the snow with his hand but was not fond of snowy mittens. He kept holding out his hands looking for someone to clean off anything that might have stuck to them. (It's no wonder I didn't get messy spaghetti pictures!) After a contest between Grandpa, Dad, and Aunt Janette to see who could hit a lamppost with a snowball, we went off to the school parking lot. This was where Susie, Janette, and Tom (if you can believe it!) all went to grade school. It is also where Tom had one of his first teaching jobs.
Anyway, the parking lot was completely covered in ice, which meant pulling the sled was easy. We had a great time and were lucky we went out on Friday. It was 60 on Saturday and all of the ice and snow melted.

Getting ready to go out in the cold.

Andrew enjoying his ride to the park. The Spenny House is the two tone one in the background (cream on the bottom and dark red on top).

Susie & Andrew taking a turn on the sled.

Getting ready to throw a snowball. And then, "Can someone clean off my mitten?"

My father-in-law has the perfect term for this kind of behavior. He calls it being "wuddly" (rhymes with cuddly). Say it out loud. For some reason that word just captures that sense of playful mischievousness.

Andrew and Dad take a turn at Surf Sledding...being "wuddly".


Courtney and the Boys said...

Sweet sled! What fun times, Brian. Soak them all up. Andrew is just adorable.



Brian said...

Oh! I wrote this post in two parts, and I meant to add an explanation for that. Have you heard of the movie "Citizen Kane"? Rosebud is the main character's dying words. Nobody knows what he is talking about, but it turns out that he is talking about his favorite childhood toy...a sled. That old sled made me think of that. Sorry I went all movie geek on you there. :) Thaks for reading!

Courtney and the Boys said...

Heard of Citizen Kane. Never watched it. You're such a geek. But I still like to call you my friend. :)


Brian said...

To be honest, Court, I'm not sure I've ever actually seen Citizen Kane either. Maybe just parts of it here and there. You'd think I'd remember one of the greatest movies ever made.