Friday, December 5, 2008

Getting Started

Okay, so this is my first post. I've been inspired to do this because I've been reading and totally enjoying the blogs of a couple of good friends recently. This will be my attempt to keep family and friends more updated on the happenings, experiences, and thoughts of our lives.

Since I created this last Saturday, I've thought about it off and on all week trying to think about something extraordinary for my first post. Yeah, I got nothing. So I'm going to do something that a couple of my friends do. It's called Not Me Mondays, and it's a confessinal kind of thing. Yes, I know today is Friday, but I'm doing it anyway because all of this stuff happened to me this morning, and it seemed like a sign.
  1. I did not send Andrew with leftover pizza for lunch today. I did not think to myself that it may be "too leftover", but sent it anyway because I had nothing else to send for him. I would never do that.
  2. I did not eat a cold piece of that very same pizza this morning as I was packing his lunch. I would have a healthier breakfast.
  3. I did not drink one of Andrew's organic chocolate milks on the way to work today. I didn't do it two other times this week either. I'm 32 and too old to be drinking chocolate milk out of a box on the way to work.
  4. I did not view a Thanksgiving album on Facebook from a complete stranger who had tagged one of my old high school friends in it. I did not accidentally tag myself in a picture where I knew absolutley no one. And I then did not scramble to the computer as fast I could so I could delete the tag because I couldn't figure out how to delete it from the phone application.
  5. And I'm not going to reread this post today and think about whether or not I should go back and edit anything. I'm totally not that obsessive.

Thanks for reading! If you are interested in seeing recent pics of Andrew and us, we finally updated the website at (thanks Susie!).

Happy Friday!


Amber Dupree said...


Courtney and the Boys said...

YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look who's a blogger!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!!!!!!

Courtney and the Boys said...'re all linked up to my blog and I'm your first stalker (strike that) follower! And your title of your blog is perfectly adorable!