Monday, December 22, 2008

Messy Spaghetti Pictures...Almost

We had spaghetti for dinner tonight. I was excited, but it's not because I really like spaghetti. (In fact, Italian is not really one of my favorite foods.) No, I was excited because I thought to myself that it would be a good chance to get the "messy spaghetti" pictures of Andrew. You know those pictures that all of our parents have of us and you have of all of our kids. The ones with noodles and sauce stuck to the face, in the hair, covering the hands and clothes, and maybe (if you're lucky) on the walls. We had a brief conversation about taking off Andrew's shirt. We decided he might get too cold so we lef the shirt on, rolled up his sleeves, and put on his bib. Then he got a pile of spaghetti and some slices of bread on his tray.

There was only one problem with all of this. Andrew didn't want the spaghetti. He went right after the bread, but wouldn't touch the spaghetti. We tried to get him to taste it, but he shook his head no and made an ugly face when we held it up to his mouth. So spaghetti goes on the short list of foods that Andrew doesn't really like for now. You wouldn't know it by looking at him, but he eats pretty much everything we give him. Grilled chicken to peas and green beans to mandarin oranges and peaches. And let's not forget McDonald's and St Louis Bread Co. (Panera). He's 18 months old, but the kid has brand recognition already. A couple of weeks ago we were in the grocery store parking lot when he pointed to the McDonald's next door and said "Ooh!" "Sorry, buddy, but we are going shopping so we can make food at home." Because we gotta use our kitchen at least once or twice a week, right?

So I still don't have my messy spaghetti pictures. Heck there wasn't even a speck of sauce on Andrew's hands when we washed them after dinner. But that's not going to stop me posting a few pictures tonight. The first one is from a couple of days ago. The bath pictures are from tonight. I hope you enjoy. And please take this post as an IOU for messy spaghetti pictures. I'll get them to you someday.

1 comment:

Courtney and the Boys said...

He is so darn cute, even if he isn't covered in spaghetti. And you know, not every parent has those pictures of their children. I mean, I have a couple of "messy baby food on the face" pics from Lane (Ellis would have freaked if food got all over him), but that's about it. You know me. Can't stand a mess. :) Does that mean I'm not a good mom? Do I need to stage a messy spaghetti picture with my children (even though Lane is 4 and Ellis would flip out?)? Ha! Have a great day!