Monday, August 30, 2010

Roadside "Emergency"

We took a quick road trip on Saturday to visit some family. It’s about a two hour drive for us. We were about thirty miles from our destination when Andrew said, “I have to go pee-pee.” Now this was a real problem because the second half of the trip is almost entirely through rural Illinois. And by rural, I mean two-lane highway with a 55 mph speed limit and corn fields and farms on both sides of the road. We were nowhere near a bathroom. So we asked Andrew to hold on for just a second. He then smiled and said, “You’re going to have to change me.” It was almost as if he saw the panic in our eyes and wanted to have a little fun with us.

Susie was driving and made a quick right turn from the country highway to a country road. We pulled over to the side of the road, threw on the flashers, and grabbed Andrew out of his seat. And we stood in the grass on the side of the road while Andrew took care of business. Ah, thank goodness for little boys. (It was funny because I told my dad this story later that day, and he said that he had a regular "pit stop" on the side of the road that we used to make on every trip back and forth to my grandparents.)

This wasn’t the first time that we needed to improvise with the bathroom for Andrew although we try not to make a habit of it. Last week, Andrew tried to do the same thing while playing in the neighbor’s front yard. We got to a real bathroom that time.

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