Monday, September 21, 2009

Cereal...It's What's For Dinner

We had leftover night recently. I can't stand leftovers. I know it's the efficient, responsible, and frugal thing to eat leftovers, but I don't care. I just don't like them. But we had several things left over including steak, grilled chicken, and tacos. So it got to dinner time, and I asked Andrew what he wanted to eat. He grabbed his stool, pushed it over to the counter, reached up and said "Cereal". Even when he reaches up on his tippy toes from the top of the stool his hand is still like four feet away from the cabinet; it's cute and hilarious.

Cereal, huh? Okay. And then I thought about it for a second and realized we had leftover chocolate chip pancakes. Yum! So Andrew had cereal, chocolate chip pancakes, and veggie sausage (it's so good too) for dinner.

He looks pretty happy, don't you think? And I sucked it up and had leftover grilled chicken.

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