Sunday, August 16, 2009

Joy of Bubbles

On Friday night near dusk, we went out to blow bubbles and had so much fun. Andrew doesn't make very many bubbles himself because he still kind of half spits / half blows into the wand. He sure had fun chasing them around the yard though.

The big bubble wand is awesome because it makes lots of bubbles just by shaking it. No blowing spit needed here.
I'm trying to help him get the wand close enough without licking it (yes, he did that) and showing him how to blow.
This might be my new favorite picture. The look on Andrew's face and the outstretched hand as he chases the bubble say so much to me about the pure fun and joy of childhood. I hope that life is like that for him today and every day of his future.

1 comment:

Auntie Jill said...

If I did not know better, I would of thought that Andrew was a California Kid. He Is soooooo COOOL!!