Sunday, August 16, 2009

Monkey See...Monkey Do

Andrew learned a new trick from a little girl at the park last night. Check out the pictures of him swinging on the bar at the top of the slide.

Joy of Bubbles

On Friday night near dusk, we went out to blow bubbles and had so much fun. Andrew doesn't make very many bubbles himself because he still kind of half spits / half blows into the wand. He sure had fun chasing them around the yard though.

The big bubble wand is awesome because it makes lots of bubbles just by shaking it. No blowing spit needed here.
I'm trying to help him get the wand close enough without licking it (yes, he did that) and showing him how to blow.
This might be my new favorite picture. The look on Andrew's face and the outstretched hand as he chases the bubble say so much to me about the pure fun and joy of childhood. I hope that life is like that for him today and every day of his future.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Snip, snip...cut, cut




As cute as his curly locks could be, they could also look a bit scraggly at times. It's good to be rid of the "baby mullet".

Friday, August 14, 2009

This Blog Has Not Been Abandoned

To paraphrase Mark Twain, the reports of this blog's abandonment are greatly exaggerated. (Thanks, Mr Purvis)

Wow, time flies. I can't believe it's already the middle of August, and that it has been more than a month since my last posting. We have been busy with lots of travel, work, and studying. In the interest of bringing you up to speed quickly, here are some July highlights.

July started off with a trip to a splash park and fountain at one of the larger city parks. Andrew has never been a big fan of the water so we were really surprised that he ran right in and spent lots of time playing. Later that weekend it was off to a local suburb to watch fireworks for the 4th of July. We got there early to find good seats and had to wait about 45 minutes for the show to start. I think Andrew was impressed - at least for the first minute. He said "boom" a couple of times and was then ready to go. I think he got scared that the booms kept coming. Once is nice; more than once not so much. Here's a pic of us waiting for the fun to start: glowsticks and all.

I had to attend a conference in Chicago. Susie and Andrew came along to visit family and friends and also play the part of tourists. It was great extended weekend despite the fact that I worked Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Andrew got to spend some time with his Great Grandma Lu. He's so serious in this picture. Must be because the book is about trains. Trains are serious business.
Here's Andrew waiting to watch the train with his Aunt Tammy and Uncle Ryan.
And here's Andrew driving the "Thomas the Train" down at Navy Pier. He did this twice and got to sit in the front seat both times. He loved it. I'm pretty sure he thought he was actually driving it.
Andrew with Lake Michigan behind him.
The last pictures are just crazy fun. And proof, I think, that Andrew is growing up into a little boy. A mischievous, wuddly little boy. We were making dinner one night when Andrew seemed a little too quiet. I walked into his room and found this.
He's having a great time. Gotta love it. Stay tuned. My next post won't be a month away.